CAPD::DynSys Library  6.0.0
OutputStream.h File Reference

This file contains definition of some output streams that can be used instead the standard ones (sout, serr) which support logging to a file or suppressing messages to the screen. More...

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>


class  capd::auxil::OutputStream
 This class defines an output stream for replacing the standard 'cout'. It has the additional features of flushing the output after every operation, suppressing the output, or logging the output to a file. More...
struct  capd::auxil::OutputStream::mute
 Local mute of the stream. This class defines an object which makes the stream mute by suppressing output to both the screen and the log file and restores its setting when the object is destroyed. More...




template<typename type >
OutputStream & capd::auxil::operator<< (OutputStream &out, const type &object)
 The operator << for writing any kind of object to the output stream. This object is written using the operator << of the standard stream. More...
OutputStream & capd::auxil::operator<< (OutputStream &out, const char *object)
 A specialization of the operator << for writing a C-style string to the output stream. More...
OutputStream & capd::auxil::operator<< (OutputStream &out, std::ostream &(*object)(std::ostream &))
 A specialization of the operator << for putting manipulators (like std::endl, std::flush) to the output stream. More...

Detailed Description

This file contains definition of some output streams that can be used instead the standard ones (sout, serr) which support logging to a file or suppressing messages to the screen.

Pawel Pilarczyk, Tomasz Kapela