CAPD::DynSys Library
Module dynset provides various set representations along with algorithms to propagate them using discrete or continuous dynamical systems.
Names of the sets in general follow the rule:
DynSets in general are templates with one parameter MatrixType which describes the type of interval matrix used. Other types as VectorType, ScalarType come from internal definitions in MatrixType.
To define a two dimensional doubleton set which stores only C0 information (position) and propagate using QR algorithm and is based on interval matrices with double interval ends you can write all-in-one command
But we recommend you to do this step by step defining your own intermediate types
You can also use capd facades
or even
Facades are simpler to use but they implement only common used sets and are a little bit slower while the first approach gives you full flexibility to choose building bricks of your set.
Parameters of constructors heavily depend on the set representation and their class (which derivatives it stores): C0 sets usually have constructors from interval vector, which they splits to their internal representation, C1 sets additionally need logarithmic norm to bound derivatives.
To know what you can pass as constructor parameters you check 'geomset' base for your 'dynset', e.g. for C0RectSet and C0PpedSet you can use all constructors from their base class AffineSet, and for C0Rect2Set and C0Pped2Set constructors come from DoubletonSet.
Once your set dynset is created and contains initial set, you can move it with given dynamical system dynsys. So the command is
For a set of a class Cr you need at least a Cr dynamical system. In general dynset knows how to move itself preserving his structure.
If you want the original dynset to be unchanged and the result to be stored in the resultDynset you can call
To obtain set as a interval vector (C0 information) you simply convert a set to an interval vector
If you have some affine coordinate change and you want to have result expressed in new coordinate frame it is better to use set's affineTransformation function than to transform interval vector obtained before
To get derivatives (C1 information) you can do a conversion of a set to an interval matrix
In general we use doubleton sets based on Rect method:
depending which derivatives we want to compute. For small initial sets reorganization can improve result a lot so we recommend use of sets with built-in reorganization
In some special cases e.g. near the elliptic fixed point Pped method can perform better but in general it blow up quickly because during propagation dominant directions contracts all others and coordinates system becomes almost singular.