CAPD::DynSys Library  6.0.0
Multiple periodic solutions for the Lorenz system

This example is a complete proof of the existence of 116 periodic orbits for the Lorenz system with chaotic parameter values s=10, r=28., q=8/3.

Initial conditions for periodic orbits are taken from the paper

 Z. Galias, W. Tucker, 
 Validated study of the existence of short cycles for chaotic systems using symbolic dynamics and interval tools.
 Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos, 21(2):551-563, 2011. 

This example shows also how to speed up computations by means of static memory allocation.

Allocating objects on storage (malloc or new) is time consuming. If the dimension of the phase space is fixed and known at compile time you can use static memory allocation like

type data[dimension];

which is much faster than malloc or new. The CAPD library provides a header file capd/fdcapdlib.h that defines most important types for the dimension specified by the user.

Before including this file you MUST define two macros
  • CAPD_USER_NAMESPACE - is the namespace in which most important types (like vectors, matrices, solvers, Poincare maps) will be defined for you.
  • CAPD_DEFAULT_DIMENSION - is a nonnegative number that stands for the dimension.
if you need few different dimensions in the same program you can undefine these macros and define them again. For example:
#include "capd/fdcapdlib.h"
#include "capd/fdcapdlib.h"
Now capd3::IVector and capd5::IVector are 3 and 5 dimensional vectors, respectively. In these namespaces are defined matrices, ODE solvers, Poincare maps, etc.

In this example we will use 3-dimensional objects for integration of the Lorenz system and variable size vectors and matrices when computing Interval Newton Operator (this is not time-critical operation in this example).

The source of this program can be found in capd/capdDynSys4/examples/LorenzPeriodicOrbit directory of the CAPD library.

This program requires C++11 compiler support, for instance gcc-4.8 or newer with -std=c++11 flag.
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
// This file defines all types in default namespace "capd".
// Objects are of arbitrary dimension.
#include "capd/capdlib.h"
// Here we define 3-dimensional objects
#include "capd/fdcapdlib.h"
// data for periodic orbits
#include "LorenzPeriodicOrbits.dat"
using namespace capd;
using namespace std;
* The following function computes the Interval Newton Operator for the map
* F: (x0,x1,x2,...x_{n-1}) -> (x0-P(x_{n-1}),x1-P(x0), .... , x_{n-1} - P(x_{n-2}))
* where P is the Poincare map for the Lorenz system. It verifies the existence
* and uniqueness of a periodic point in a given set X.
* Parameters are:
* @param pm - an instance of PoincareMap for the Lorenz system
* @param X[] - array of intervals that contains our candidate for periodic orbits.
* @param period - period of the point with respect to (half) Poincare map
* @returns - true if the orbit has been validated
IVector imCenter(dim), Y(dim,X);
IMatrix D(dim,dim);
IVector center = midVector(Y);
for(int i=0;i<dim;i+=2){
int prev = (dim+i-2)%dim;
// First we compute image at center, i.e center_i - P(center_{i-1}).
// Note that the points on Poincare section have the form (x,y,z=27).
capd3::C0HORect2Set s1({center[prev],center[prev+1],interval(27.)});
capd3::IVector x = pm(s1);
imCenter[i] = center[i] - x[0];
imCenter[i+1] = center[i+1] - x[1];
// Then we compute derivative at the set X
capd3::C1Rect2Set s2({X[prev],X[prev+1],interval(27.)});
// here we compute monodromy matrix, not derivative of Poincare map
capd3::IMatrix DP(3,3);
x = pm(s2,DP);
// This member function recomputes monodromy matrix into derivatives of Poincare map
DP = pm.computeDP(x,DP);
// The matrix DP is 3x3. Take the 2x2 slice that corresponds to (x,y) variables.
D[i][i] = 1;
D[i + 1][i + 1] = 1;
D[i][prev] -= DP[0][0];
D[i][prev + 1] -= DP[0][1];
D[i + 1][prev] -= DP[1][0];
D[i + 1][prev + 1] -= DP[1][1];
// compute interval Newton operator
IVector N = center - matrixAlgorithms::krawczykInverse(D) * imCenter;
// check the inclusion
return subsetInterior(N, Y);
// ----------------------------------- MAIN ----------------------------------------
int main()
int order = 11;
double tolerance = 1e-7;
// Here we define vector field, ODE solver, Poincare section and Poicnare map
// The Poincare section is z=27, i.e. index 2 coordinate of 3 is equal to 27
capd3::IMap vectorField("par:q;var:x,y,z;fun:10*(y-x),x*(28-z)-y,x*y-q*z;");
capd3::IOdeSolver solver(vectorField,order);
capd3::ICoordinateSection section(3,2,27.);
capd3::IPoincareMap pm(solver,section);
vectorField.setParameter("q", interval(8.) / interval(3.));
const int numberOfPeriodicOrbits = 116;
double xMin, xMax, yMin,yMax, temp;
int period, validated=0;
// Array of 40 intervals for storing initial conditions of periodic orbits
// Maximal period is 20, each point on section has two coordinates (x,y).
interval X[40];
for(int i = 0;i<numberOfPeriodicOrbits;++i){
istringstream in(lorenzPOData[i]);
in >> period;
for(int j=0;j<period;++j){
in >> xMin >> xMax >> yMin >> yMax >> temp >> temp;
X[2*j] = interval(xMin,xMax);
X[2*j+1] = interval(yMin,yMax);
validated += provePeriodicOrbit(pm,X,2*period);
cout << "already validated: " << validated << " out of " << (i+1) << endl;
} catch(exception& e) {
cout << "\n\nException caught: "<< e.what() << endl;
return 0;
} // END
bool provePeriodicOrbit(capd3::IPoincareMap &pm, interval X[], int dim)
Definition: LorenzPeriodicOrbit.cpp:97
int main()
Definition: LorenzPeriodicOrbit.cpp:137
Definition of template class Interval.
Definition: Interval.h:83
Definition: Matrix.h:65
Definition: Vector.h:54
bool subsetInterior(long double, long double)
Definition: doubleFun.h:55
capd::dynset::C0HOSet< capd::C0Rect2Set > C0HORect2Set
Definition: typedefs.h:48
capd::dynset::C1DoubletonSet< capd::IMatrix, C1Rect2Policies > C1Rect2Set
Definition: typedefs.h:54
capd::map::Map< IMatrix > IMap
Definition: mapLib.h:24
int order
Definition: tayltst.cpp:31
MatrixType krawczykInverse(const MatrixType &A)
Definition: Matrix_Interval.hpp:53
IVector midVector(const IVector &)
Definition: ApplicationDesc.h:23
capd::vectalg::Vector< capd::DInterval, CAPD_DEFAULT_DIMENSION > IVector
Definition: typedefs.h:33
capd::dynsys::OdeSolver< capd::IMap > IOdeSolver
Definition: typedefs.h:19
capd::poincare::CoordinateSection< capd::IMatrix > ICoordinateSection
Definition: typedefs.h:30
capd::poincare::PoincareMap< capd::IOdeSolver > IPoincareMap
Definition: typedefs.h:44
intervals::DoubleInterval interval
Definition: DoubleInterval.h:36
capd::vectalg::Matrix< capd::DInterval, CAPD_DEFAULT_DIMENSION, CAPD_DEFAULT_DIMENSION > IMatrix
Definition: typedefs.h:34
Definition: Logger.h:88