▼ capd | |
► basicalg | |
factrial.cpp | |
ieeePrimitive.cpp | |
► intervals | |
DoubleInterval.cpp | |
► matrixAlgorithms | |
floatMatrixAlgorithms.cpp | |
intMatrixAlgorithms.cpp | |
PARIConvert.h | |
PARIInterface.cpp | |
PARIInterface.hpp | |
PARISmithForm.cpp | |
PARISmithForm.hpp | |
SmithFormFactory.cpp | |
SmithFormFactory.hpp | |
► rings | |
Zp.cpp | |
► rounding | |
DoubleRounding.cpp | |
► vectalg | |
Container.cpp | |
DMatrix.cpp | |
DVector.cpp | |
IMatrix.cpp | |
IVector.cpp | |
LDMatrix.cpp | |
LDVector.cpp | |
Multiindex.cpp | |
Norm.cpp | |
ZVector.cpp | |
▼ capd | |
► autodiff | |
DagIndexer.h | |
DagIndexer.hpp | |
eval.hpp | |
EvalAcos.h | |
EvalAdd.h | |
EvalAsin.h | |
EvalAtan.h | |
EvalDiv.h | |
EvalExp.h | |
EvalHalfIntPow.h | |
EvalLog.h | |
EvalMul.h | |
EvalNaturalPow.h | |
EvalNegIntPow.h | |
EvalOneMinusSqr.h | |
EvalPow.h | |
EvalQuarticPow.h | |
EvalSinCos.h | |
EvalSqr.h | |
EvalSqrt.h | |
EvalSub.h | |
EvalThirdPow.h | |
EvalUnaryMinus.h | |
NodeType.h | |
► covrel | |
ConesConditions.h | |
GridSet.h | |
GridSets.h | |
HSet.h | |
HSet2D.h | |
HSet3D.h | |
HSetMD.h | |
HSetMD.hpp | |
HSetND.h | |
HSetND.hpp | |
HSetWithCones.h | |
QuadraticForm.h | |
TripleSet.h | |
► diffAlgebra | |
BasicC2Curve.h | |
BasicC2Curve.hpp | |
BasicCnCurve.h | |
BasicCnCurve.hpp | |
BasicCurve.h | |
BasicCurve.hpp | |
C0TimeJet.h | |
C1TimeJet.h | |
C2Curve.h | |
C2Curve.hpp | |
C2TimeJet.h | |
CnContainer.h | |
CnCurve.h | |
CnCurve.hpp | |
CnTimeJet.h | |
CoeffTraits.h | |
Curve.h | |
Curve.hpp | |
CurveInterface.h | |
FadCurve.h | |
FadCurve.hpp | |
fdlib.h | |
Hessian.h | |
Hessian.hpp | |
HomogenousPolynomial.h | |
Jet.h | |
Jet.hpp | |
lib.h | |
mplib.h | |
ParametricCurve.h | |
SolutionCurve.h | |
TimeRange.h | |
► diffIncl | |
DiffInclusion.h | |
DiffInclusion.hpp | |
DiffInclusionCW.h | |
DiffInclusionCW.hpp | |
DiffInclusionLN.h | |
DiffInclusionLN.hpp | |
InclRect2Set.h | |
InclRect2Set.hpp | |
lib.h | |
MultiMap.h | |
► dynset | |
► reorganization | |
CanonicalReorganization.h | |
CoordWiseReorganization.h | |
FactorPolicy.h | |
FactorReorganization.h | |
InvBByCFactorReorganization.h | |
NoReorganization.h | |
QRReorganization.h | |
SwapReorganization.h | |
AbstractSet.h | |
AffineCoordinateChange.h | |
C0AffineSet.h | |
C0AffineSet.hpp | |
C0BallSet.h | |
C0BallSet.hpp | |
C0DoubletonSet.h | |
C0DoubletonSet.hpp | |
C0FlowballSet.h | |
C0FlowballSet.hpp | |
C0GraphicalSet.h | |
C0HODoubletonSet.h | |
C0HODoubletonSet.hpp | |
C0HOSet.h | |
C0HOSet.hpp | |
C0HOTripletonSet.h | |
C0HOTripletonSet.hpp | |
C0Set.h | |
C0TripletonSet.h | |
C0TripletonSet.hpp | |
C11Rect2.h | |
C11Rect2.hpp | |
C11Rect2Set.h | |
C11Rect2Set.hpp | |
C1AffineSet.h | |
C1AffineSet.hpp | |
C1DoubletonSet.h | |
C1DoubletonSet.hpp | |
C1GraphicalSet.h | |
C1HOSet.h | |
C1HOSet.hpp | |
C1Set.h | |
C2DoubletonSet.h | |
C2DoubletonSet.hpp | |
C2Set.h | |
CnDoubletonSet.h | |
CnDoubletonSet.hpp | |
CnRect2Set.h | |
CnRect2Set.hpp | |
CnSet.h | |
CoordinateSystem.h | |
DefaultPolicy.h | |
DoubletonData.h | |
dynsetLib.h | |
EnclosureHolder.h | |
fdlib.h | |
HOData.h | |
lib.h | |
mplib.h | |
QRPolicy.h | |
SetTraits.h | |
typedefs.h | |
► dynsys | |
► deprecated | |
dynsysLib.h | |
Linear2d.h | |
Linear3d.h | |
OdeNumTaylor.h | |
OdeNumTaylor.hpp | |
VLin3D.h | |
approveRemainder.h | |
BasicC2OdeSolver.h | |
BasicC2OdeSolver.hpp | |
BasicCnOdeSolver.h | |
BasicCnOdeSolver.hpp | |
BasicFadOdeSolver.h | |
BasicFadOdeSolver.hpp | |
BasicOdeSolver.h | |
BasicOdeSolver.hpp | |
C1DynSys.h | |
C2DynSys.h | |
C2OdeSolver.h | |
C2OdeSolver.hpp | |
CnDynSys.h | |
CnOdeSolver.h | |
CnOdeSolver.hpp | |
CnOdeSolver_phi.hpp | |
CnOdeSolver_remainder.hpp | |
CnOdeSolver_templateMembers.h | |
DiscreteDynSys.h | |
DynSys.h | |
DynSys.hpp | |
DynSysMap.h | |
FadMap.h | |
FadOdeSolver.h | |
FadOdeSolver.hpp | |
fdlib.h | |
filibfadbad.h | |
FirstOrderEnclosure.h | |
FirstOrderEnclosure.hpp | |
HighOrderEnclosure.h | |
lib.h | |
Move.h | |
mplib.h | |
MpStepControl.h | |
OdeSolver.h | |
OdeSolver.hpp | |
OdeTraits.h | |
SolverException.h | |
StepControl.h | |
typedefs.h | |
► geomset | |
AffineSet.h | |
AffineSet.hpp | |
CenteredAffineSet.h | |
CenteredAffineSet.hpp | |
CenteredDoubletonSet.h | |
CenteredDoubletonSet.hpp | |
CenteredTripletonSet.h | |
CenteredTripletonSet.hpp | |
DoubletonSet.h | |
DoubletonSet.hpp | |
lib.h | |
MatrixAffineSet.h | |
MatrixAffineSet.hpp | |
MatrixDoubletonSet.h | |
MatrixDoubletonSet.hpp | |
► invset | |
CubicalMap.h | |
ForbiddenSet.h | |
Graph.h | |
GraphNode.h | |
InvariantManifold.h | |
invariantSets.h | |
MapGraph.h | |
Scope.h | |
► map | |
BasicFunction.h | |
BasicFunction.hpp | |
CnCoeffSlice.h | |
DefaultOrder.h | |
EvalQuarticPow.h | |
EvalThirdPow.h | |
fdlib.h | |
Function.h | |
Function.hpp | |
lib.h | |
Map.h | |
Map.hpp | |
Map_codeTranslation.hpp | |
Map_headerTemplate.h | |
mapLib.h | |
mplib.h | |
Parser.h | |
► newton | |
Krawczyk.h | |
Krawczyk.hpp | |
Mapping.h | |
Newton.h | |
Newton.hpp | |
NewtonResult.h | |
► normalForms | |
linearSubstitution.hpp | |
normalForms.h | |
planarMaps.hpp | |
► pdes | |
C0DoubletonSetGeometricTail.h | |
C0HODoubletonSetGeometricTail.h | |
C1DoubletonSetGeometricTail.h | |
DissipativeVectorField.h | |
GeometricBound.h | |
GeometricBound.hpp | |
OneDimKSSineVectorField.h | |
PdeAbstractSection.h | |
PdeAffineSection.h | |
PdeCoordinateSection.h | |
PdeCurve.h | |
PdeSectionDerivativesEnclosure.h | |
PdeSolver.h | |
PolyLogBound.h | |
PolynomialBound.h | |
PolynomialBound.hpp | |
► poincare | |
AbstractSection.h | |
AbstractSection.hpp | |
AffineSection.h | |
BasicPoincareMap.h | |
BasicPoincareMap.hpp | |
BasicPoincareMap_inline.h | |
BasicPoincareMap_operator.hpp | |
BasicPoincareMap_template.h | |
CoordinateSection.h | |
fdlib.h | |
lib.h | |
mplib.h | |
NonlinearSection.h | |
PoincareException.h | |
poincareLib.h | |
PoincareMap.h | |
PoincareMap.hpp | |
PoincareMap_templateMembers.h | |
PoincareMap_templateOperator.h | |
SaveStepControl.h | |
SectionDerivativesEnclosure.h | |
TimeMap.h | |
TimeMap.hpp | |
TimeMap_inline.h | |
TimeMap_template.h | |
typedefs.h | |
► threading | |
SolverFactory.h | |
SolverPool.h | |
ThreadPool.h | |
capdlib.h | |
fdcapdlib.h | |
mpcapdlib.h | Multiple Precision version of CAPD library |
▼ capd | |
► auxil | |
AdvStopwatch.h | |
ApplicationDesc.h | |
arg.h | This file contains the definition of a class which can be used to parse the command line of a program and to set variables according to the command-line arguments |
BuildInfo.h | |
CAPDConfig.h | |
clock.h | |
commandLineArgs.h | |
config.h | This file contains some precompiler definitions which indicate the operating system and/or compiler used. Most definitions usually should be provided in the command line of the compiler, but if none are given then some reasonable values are determined based on the definitions already provided by the compiler (GNU C++ is supported) |
ConfigFileReader.h | |
Counter.h | |
CRef.h | |
debuger.h | |
Dll.h | |
EmbDimException.h | |
embeddingDim.h | |
Functor.h | |
handleUnexpectedTerminate.h | |
ignoreUnused.h | |
Logger.h | |
logger_deprecated.h | This file contains definition of some output streams that can be used instead the standard ones (sout, serr) which support logging to a file or suppressing messages to the screen |
LoggerConsole.h | |
memSize.h | |
minmax.h | |
ofstreamcout.h | |
OutputStream.h | This file contains definition of some output streams that can be used instead the standard ones (sout, serr) which support logging to a file or suppressing messages to the screen |
RemoveConst.h | |
skipCommentsIstream.h | |
Stopwatch.h | |
stringOstream.h | |
timeused.h | This file defines a simple data structure which can be used to measure time used by the program (or some program parts) and to display this time in a nice text format |
► settings | |
archSetting.h | |
compilerSetting.h | |
operatingSystemSetting.h | |
▼ capd | |
► auxil | |
ApplicationDesc.cpp | |
arg.cpp | |
BuildInfo.cpp | |
CAPDConfig.cpp | |
Logger.cpp | |
logger_deprecated.cpp | |
memSize.cpp | |
ofstreamcout.cpp | |
skipCommentsIstream.cpp | |
timeused.cpp | |
▼ capd | |
► basicalg | |
doubleFun.h | This file contains definitions of 'double versions' of functions typical for intervals |
factrial.h | |
ieeePrimitive.h | |
logtwo.h | |
minmax.h | |
power.h | |
powerThree.h | |
random.h | |
statistics.h | |
TexWriter.h | |
TypeTraits.h | |
► cxsc | |
Interval.h | |
► fields | |
Complex.h | |
rationalNumber.h | |
► filib | |
Interval.h | |
► intervals | |
DoubleInterval.h | |
IComplex.h | |
Interval.h | Interval Arithmetics Interface |
Interval.hpp | Interval Arithmetics package |
Interval_Base.h | Interval Arithmetics package |
Interval_Deprecated.h | Interval Arithmetics package |
Interval_Friend.h | Interval Arithmetics - functions template declarations |
Interval_FriendInternal.h | |
Interval_Fun.hpp | Interval Arithmetics - elementary functions such as: sin, cos, tan, exp, log, power,.. |
Interval_Op.hpp | Interval Arithmetics - operators definitions |
IntervalError.h | IntervalError class and checkInterval funtion definitions |
IntervalOld.h | |
IntervalSettings.h | Interval Arithmetics package settings file |
IntervalTraits.h | |
lib.h | |
LongDoubleInterval.h | |
minmax_interval.h | |
MpInterval.h | |
MpInterval_Fun.hpp | |
MpIntervalSettings.h | Multi Precision Interval Arithmetics settings file |
mplib.h | |
► matrixAlgorithms | |
capd2alglib.h | |
CAPDIntMatrixAlgorithms.h | |
CAPDSmithForm.h | |
floatMatrixAlgorithms.h | |
floatMatrixAlgorithms.hpp | |
intMatrixAlgorithms.hpp | |
IntMatrixAlgorithmsFactory.h | |
Invert.h | |
lib.h | |
matrixAlgorithmsLib.h | |
MatrixOp.h | |
PARIInterface.h | |
PARIIntMatrixAlgorithms.h | |
PARISmithForm.h | |
QuotientBaseMatrix.h | |
SmithForm.h | |
SmithFormFactory.h | |
SolveLinearEquation.h | |
► multiPrec | |
MpInt.h | Defines C++ wrapper for multiple precision integers from gmpxx library |
mplib.h | |
MpReal.h | Defines C++ wrapper for multiple precision floating point numbers from mpfr library |
MpReal_Base.hpp | |
MpReal_FriendInternal.hpp | |
MpReal_Fun.hpp | |
MpReal_Op.hpp | |
► rings | |
Z2.h | |
Zp.h | |
► rounding | |
DoubleRounding.h | |
IntRounding.h | |
RoundingTraits.h | |
► vectalg | |
algebraicOperations.h | This file provides an algebraic operation which may be implemented on the container level such as addition of some objects |
algebraicOperations.hpp | This file provides an algebraic operation which may be implemented on the container level such as addition of some objects |
ColumnVector.h | This file provides a template class ColumnVector This class realizes a vector without own container, which is a reference to a subset of other object with his own container. A typical situation is a column of matrix which can be consider as a vector |
ColumnVector.hpp | |
Container.h | This file provides a template class Container together with suitable iterators The container has fixed size specified by a template argument 'capacity' |
Container.hpp | |
Dimension.h | |
EmptyIntersectionException.h | |
fdlib.h | |
iobject.h | |
iobject.hpp | |
lib.h | |
Matrix.h | |
Matrix.hpp | |
Matrix_inline.h | |
Matrix_Interval.hpp | |
MatrixContainer.h | This file provides a class MatrixContainer This class inherites form general Container class and provides constructors and methods specific for two dimensional data |
MatrixIterator.h | |
MatrixSlice.h | This class represents a matrix without own container and data it is used for operations on submatrices |
mplib.h | |
Multiindex.h | |
Norm.h | |
Norm.hpp | |
RowVector.h | This file provides a template class RowVector |
RowVector.hpp | |
SubVector.h | |
SubVector.hpp | |
typedefs.h | |
vectalgLib.h | |
Vector.h | This file provides a template class Vector together with typical algebraic operations. Most of them are defined as generic algorithms in files 'commonOperations.h' and 'commonOperations.hpp' For inline definitions of operators see to file Vector_inline.h included at the end of this file |
Vector.hpp | |
Vector_inline.h | This file contains inline definitions for class Vector |
Vector_Interval.hpp | |
capdAlglib.h | |
▼ capd | |
► autodiff | |
DagIndexer.cpp | |
NodeType.cpp | |
► covrel | |
HSet2D.cpp | |
HSet3D.cpp | |
HSetMD.cpp | |
HSetND.cpp | |
TripleSet.cpp | |
► diffAlgebra | |
C1TimeJet.cpp | |
C2TimeJet.cpp | |
CnTimeJet.cpp | |
Curve.cpp | |
Hessian.cpp | |
SolutionCurve.cpp | |
► diffIncl | |
DiffInclusion.cpp | |
DiffInclusionCW.cpp | |
DiffInclusionLN.cpp | |
InclRect2Set.cpp | |
MultiMap.cpp | |
► dynset | |
C0AffineSet.cpp | |
C0BallSet.cpp | |
C0DoubletonSet.cpp | |
C0FlowballSet.cpp | |
C0HOSet.cpp | |
C0TripletonSet.cpp | |
C11Rect2Set.cpp | |
C1AffineSet.cpp | |
C1DoubletonSet.cpp | |
C1HOSet.cpp | |
C2DoubletonSet.cpp | |
CnDoubletonSet.cpp | |
CnRect2Set.cpp | |
CoordReorganize.cpp | |
FactorReorganization.cpp | |
► dynsys | |
C2OdeSolver.cpp | |
CnOdeSolver.cpp | |
DynSys.cpp | |
FadOdeSolver.cpp | |
OdeSolver.cpp | |
► geomset | |
AffineSet.cpp | |
DoubletonSet.cpp | |
MatrixAffineSet.cpp | |
MatrixDoubletonSet.cpp | |
TripletonSet.cpp | |
► map | |
Function.cpp | |
Map.cpp | |
Parser.cpp | |
► pdes | |
GeometricBound.cpp | |
► poincare | |
AbstractSection.cpp | |
PoincareMap.cpp | |
TimeMap.cpp | |
▼ capdMake | |
► docs | |
src | |
▼ examples | |
► alglibdemo | |
alglibdemo.cpp | |
► BigIntegers | |
MpIntExample.cpp | |
► intervals | |
intervalExample.cpp | |
► matrixAlgorithms | |
floatMatrixAlgExample.cpp | |
► TexWriter | |
TexWriterExample.cpp | Example how to use TexWriter class |
TexWriterExample2.cpp | |
► vectalg | |
matrixExample.cpp | |
normExample.cpp | |
vectorExample.cpp | |
▼ examples | |
► auxildemo | |
argdemo.cpp | |
BuildInfoMain.cpp | |
► configFileReader | |
configFileReader.cpp | |
configFileReader2.cpp | |
► logger | |
Example.h | |
logger.cpp | |
▼ examples | |
► cndemo | |
cndemo1.cpp | |
cndemo2.cpp | |
cndemo3.cpp | |
► coveringRelation | |
coveringRelations2D_a.cpp | |
coveringRelations2D_b.cpp | |
coveringRelations2D_c.cpp | |
► diffIncldemo | |
diffInclExample.cpp | Created on: 2009-11-13 Author: kapela |
► encloseTrajectory | |
encloseMonodromyMatrixBetweenTimeSteps.cpp | |
encloseTrajectoryBetweenTimeSteps.cpp | |
► graphicalSet | |
graphicalSetTest.cpp | |
► integrate | |
integrate.cpp | |
integrateVariationalEquation.cpp | |
► invariantSet | |
invSet.cpp | |
► LorenzPeriodicOrbit | |
LorenzPeriodicOrbit.cpp | |
► maps | |
hessianExample.cpp | This files demonstrates how to compute second order derivatives for maps |
jetExample.cpp | This files demonstrates how to compute third order derivatives for maps |
jetIndexingExample.cpp | This files demonstrates how to access higher order derivatives stored in jets |
jetTransportExample.cpp | This files demonstrates how to compute composition of jets (or jet of composition of maps at given point) |
mapExample.cpp | |
► multiPrecision | |
mpExample1.cpp | |
mpExample2.cpp | Example how to use intervals with multiple precision endpoints |
mpExample3.cpp | Example how to use multiple precision vectors and functions |
mpExample4.cpp | Example how to use multiple precision library |
mpExample5.cpp | Example how to use multiple precision library |
mpExample6.cpp | |
multiprecExample.cpp | You can compile with: g++ -o multiprecExample -D__HAVE_MPFR__ -s -O2 -Wall -frounding-math -I |
► newton | |
newtonSimple.cpp | This file contains examples how to use Newton and Krawczyk classes |
newtontst.cpp | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
► odes | |
DSolverExample.cpp | |
DSolverVariationalEquationsExample.cpp | |
DTimeMapExample.cpp | |
DTimeMapHessianCurveExample.cpp | |
DTimeMapHessianExample.cpp | |
DTimeMapJetCurveExample.cpp | |
DTimeMapJetExample.cpp | |
DTimeMapMonodromyMatrixCurveExample.cpp | |
DTimeMapSolutionCurveExample.cpp | |
DTimeMapStepControlExample.cpp | |
DTimeMapVariationalEquationsExample.cpp | |
► odesrig | |
ITimeMapEncloseTrajectoryExample.cpp | |
ITimeMapExample.cpp | |
ITimeMapMonodromyMatrixCurveExample.cpp | |
ITimeMapSolutionCurveExample.cpp | |
ITimeMapVariationalEquationsExample.cpp | |
► poincare | |
DPoincareMapDerivativeExample.cpp | |
DPoincareMapExample.cpp | |
IPoincareMapDerivativeExample.cpp | |
IPoincareMapExample.cpp | |
► pointst | |
pointst.cpp | |
► RosslerChaoticDynamics | |
RosslerChaoticDynamics.cpp | |
► RosslerPeriodicOrbit | |
RosslerPeriodicOrbit.cpp | |
► taylor | |
tayltst.cpp | |
▼ mpcapd | |
► intervals | |
MpInterval.cpp | |
► matrixAlgorithms | |
floatMatrixAlgorithms.cpp | |
PARIInterface.cpp | |
PARISmithForm.cpp | |
SmithFormFactory.cpp | |
► vectalg | |
Container.cpp | |
MpMatrix.cpp | |
MpVector.cpp | |
MpZMatrix.cpp | |
MpZVector.cpp | |
Norm.cpp | |
▼ mpcapd | |
► autodiff | |
DagIndexer.cpp | |
► diffAlgebra | |
C1TimeJet.cpp | |
C2TimeJet.cpp | |
CnTimeJet.cpp | |
Curve.cpp | |
Hessian.cpp | |
SolutionCurve.cpp | |
► diffIncl | |
DiffInclusion.cpp | |
DiffInclusionCW.cpp | |
DiffInclusionLN.cpp | |
InclRect2Set.cpp | |
MultiMap.cpp | |
► dynset | |
C0AffineSet.cpp | |
C0DoubletonSet.cpp | |
C0HOSet.cpp | |
C0TripletonSet.cpp | |
C11Rect2Set.cpp | |
C1AffineSet.cpp | |
C1DoubletonSet.cpp | |
C1HOSet.cpp | |
C2DoubletonSet.cpp | |
CnDoubletonSet.cpp | |
CnRect2Set.cpp | |
FactorReorganization.cpp | |
► dynsys | |
C2OdeSolver.cpp | |
CnOdeSolver.cpp | |
DynSys.cpp | |
FadOdeSolver.cpp | |
OdeSolver.cpp | |
► geomset | |
AffineSet.cpp | |
DoubletonSet.cpp | |
MatrixAffineSet.cpp | |
MatrixDoubletonSet.cpp | |
TripletonSet.cpp | |
► map | |
Function.cpp | |
Map.cpp | |
► poincare | |
AbstractSection.cpp | |
PoincareMap.cpp | |
TimeMap.cpp | |